Monday, May 27, 2013

Profil Member Teen Top


Teen Top (틴탑) adalah Boy Band Korea yang terdiri dari 6 anggota yaitu, C.A.P, Chunji, L.Joe, Niel, Ricky dan Changjo. Teen Top berada di bawah manajemen label TOP Media dan didirikan pada tahun 2010 oleh Andy Lee dari Boy Band senior Shinhwa.

Teen Top memulai debut resmi mereka pada bulan Juli 2010, dengan merilis single lagu berjudul lagu Clap dengan video klip yang menampilkan si cantik Lizzy dari Girl Band After School. Album debut single mereka dirilis pada tanggal 9 Juli 2010. Sehari setelah peluncuran single pertamanya Teen Top tampil di MBC! Musik Core dan kemudian di SBS Inkigayo. Setelah promosi dan debut perdananya,  Teen Top menerima banyak pujian untuk pertunjukan live mereka yang dinilai sangat baik dalam olah vokal dan koreografi. Netizens memberikan julukan kepada mereka Choreography Knife, karena aksi tarian yang memukau dari kelompok boy band in

~ Member Profile ~
Stage Name: C.A.P
Birth Name: Bang Min Soo
Position: Leader, Main Rapper
Date of Birth: November 4, 1992
Height: 178 cm
Other: * Known as “Charisma Rapper”
* Hobbies are designing, drawing and excercising
* Specializes in making lyrics and raps
* Attends Dong Seoul University.
* Did some raps for his audition.
Stage Name: Chunji
Birth Name: Lee Chan Hee
Position: Lead Vocalist, Visual
Date of Birth: October 5, 1993
Height: 173 cm
Other: * Known as “Power Voice”
* Loves to do puzzles and read books
* Enjoys imitating people or things
* Attending Hanyang University
Stage Name: L. Joe
Birth Name: Lee Byung Hun
Position: Lead Rapper, Face of The Group
Date of Birth: November 23, 1993
Height: 171 cm
Other: * Known as the “Rascal/Mischievous Rapper”
* His hobby is acting
* His specialties are English, playing piano and music composition
* For his audition, he rapped to Chris Brown’s “Run It” and Epik High’s “Fly” at Lotte World
* Attending Korea Arts High School
Stage Name: Niel
Birth Name: Ahn Daniel
Position: Main Vocalist
Date of Birth: August 16, 1994
Height: 178 cm
Other: * Known as the “Emotional Vocals”
* His hobby is listening to music
* He loves to play soccer
* For his audition, he sung SHINee’s “Replay” and danced to Black Eyed Peas “Boom Boom Pow”
* Attending Heungjin High School
Stage Name: Ricky
Birth Name: Yoo Chang Hyun
Position: Vocalist, Lead Dancer
Date of Birth: February 27, 1995
Height: 172 cm
Other: * Known as the “Lovely Boy”
* His hobbies are watching movies and playing the piano
* His specialty is acting
* Attending School of Performing Arts Seoul
Stage Name: Changjo
Birth Name: Choi Jong Hyun
Position: Main Dancer, Vocalist, Maknae
Date of Birth: November 16, 1995
Height: 179 cm
Other: * Known as the “Dancing Boy”
* His hobbies are choreographing and listening to music
* His specialty is self defense
* Danced to Black Eyed Pea’s “Boom Boom Pow” for his audition
* Attending Chuncheon Agricultural High School

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